The MathML Association intends to gather all the individuals and organizations willing to advance the mission of the MathML manifesto. For that purpose, we have settled a status of affiliates that enables each one to contribute at the desired level:

  • Sponsors are companies or organizations recognizing the importance of MathML and willing to help MathML Association projects by making an annual contribution and possibly getting involved in the MathML Advisory Board.

  • Partners are companies, organizations, or individuals with technical expertise in open source development of Web engines or related technologies (math fonts, accessibility tools etc). They are privileged interlocutors for technical discussions, collaborations and contracts on MathML Association projects.

  • Members are individuals or corporations willing to support our mission and are free to contribute as they wish. For example, they can make a donation to the MathML Association or do volunteer work on MathML Association projects. Prominent members may be invited to become members of the MathML Advisory Board.

Please send an email to incoming+mathml/ if you are interested in becoming an affiliate.